maximize your LIFE

Thirty-something black male taking notes during his iLIFE experience


Our myLIFE experience is a 2-day, facilitator-guided process designed to help you get the most out of life - the most enjoyment, the most freedom, the most impact, the most life!

At Hayah, our facilitators use proven tools and exercises to help you discover who you are, how you’re wired, and what brings you life.  From there, we guide you through a process aimed at identifying your preferred future and creating a map to get you there.

After your initial 2-day myLIFE experience, if you’d like, one of our myLIFE coaches will mentor you bi-weekly or monthly, helping you maximize your discoveries and live the life you’ve always wanted.

Hayah offers a number of myLIFE Packages for individuals and couples.

To determine which package is right for you, schedule a Free Discovery Call.



By identifying key themes and patterns in your life, we gain powerful insights into who you are, who you’re designed to be, and what that means for the next stage of your journey.


As we uncover the things that move you and bring you life, we’ll discover the ‘why’ behind your talents and abilities - it will become clear why you are gifted in those specific ways.


By setting your values and passions alongside your greatest successes and achievements, we’ll discern the areas where you can thrive and succeed most in the next season of life.


By identifying the practices that energize you, we’ll make a plan to achieve and sustain balance allowing you to multiply effectiveness and satisfaction in this season and beyond.


As we move from the specifics to a 10,000-ft view of your life, we’ll be able to see how priorities have shifted over time, and we’ll be able to refocus your energies on the things that matter most to you.


The end result of our two days together will be an understanding of where you are today, clarity about you where you’re heading, and a series of action steps designed to get you there.

myLIFE is perfect for individuals and couples who want to maximize impact, satisfaction, and health in long-term, sustainable ways.

“Jay’s ability to ask the right questions, zero-in on the recurring themes and values, and build a coherent roadmap to your life gives new definition to life coaching.

I was starting down the next chapter of my life, transitioning from 20+ years as an officer in the Air Force to whatever the next phase was going to hold. I had some ideas, but I also knew that I didn’t want to miss optimizing my experience and talents in the next chapter.

Jay’s 2-day myLIFE process was instrumental in finding out exactly what my natural talents were and where I could best use them, but also how to navigate day-to-day life in a sustainable forward progression.

The experience was deeply emotional, yet gratifying. The revelations can only be likened to reuniting with an old friend, or finally seeing your reflection for the first time. And the conclusions were tangible, actionable, and remarkably useful.

I am grateful to have partaken in this process and continue to recommend this experience to my friends.”

Lieutenant Colonel Dan McGuire • F-16 Pilot • United States Air Force • Las Vegas, NV