During your 2-day myLife experience, you’ll discover with incredible clarity exactly who you are, why you’re here, and how you can live daily in your sweet spot - that beautiful intersection of meaningful contribution and deep satisfaction. This is a powerful and enlightening experience. But as you might imagine, making discoveries like these often creates the need for tweaks, changes, and adjustments to your life, work, or community. This is where our trained coaches come in.

We journey alongside you at consistent intervals as thinking partners, strategic collaborators, sounding boards, cheerleaders, and mentors, offering counsel and encouragement as you journey into the life you were designed to live.

Individual Coaching Sessions, Coaching Packages, and Coaching Memberships are available.

A Free Discovery Call is a great way to determine which option is best for you.

Ellie Martinez • Chief Executive Officer • Big Brothers Big Sisters of Richmond/Tri-Cities

• Richmond, VA

“Working with Jay is seamless. He has dedicated time to learn who I am in our sessions together and when I am faced with a challenge, he knows exactly how I will best receive and process information. And he could probably tell you how I’m going to act before I fully know it myself. There is a sense of familiarity and comfort in working with Jay that cannot be manufactured, it is genuine and wholesome.”