Intentional | Integrated | Impactful

Mid-thirties black male executives coaching a colleague


Hayah's iLEAD Experience is a fully-customized 2-day exploration of who a leader is and what they are capable of.

Using proven tools and processes, our trained and licensed facilitators help leaders discover and step into their "leadership sweet spot" - the place where they make their greatest contribution organizationally while experiencing their most profound satisfaction personally.

From there, we help them develop and execute the strategies, initiatives, and action steps that will maximize their impact in sustainable, scalable ways as we walk beside them in bi-weekly or monthly executive coaching sessions.



The unique skills and abilities that - when you exercise them - cause you and everyone around you to be fully energized


The issues and causes that ignite a fire inside you and multiply your impact exponentially any time they are present


The way you respond to six factors impacting team and organizational dynamics


The specific cross-section of motivation and environment that enables you to accomplish your best work


The do-or-die principles that allow you to commit freely and fully to an individual, organization, or cause

iLEAD is perfect for leaders and teams who want to maximize impact, productivity, and health in scalable, sustainable ways.

Schedule a Free Discovery Call to find out more.

White Male CEO in conversation

“As the President and CEO of Garden Savings Federal Credit Union in Parsippany, NJ, I can speak firsthand to the fact that Hayah Consulting and the iLead program have been a tremendous resource for me.

Jay Parsons’ hands on and thorough approach to exploring what makes a person an effective leader has been an epiphany.

I’ve seen and heard of plenty of other management programs that look way too much like an infomercial and less like any real training or skill enhancement. Let me reassure you, this is not Hayah Consulting.

Hayah taps into the very best parts of you as an individual and gives you guidance as to how to bring those parts out and implement them within your day-to-day life as a leader. Jay does less teaching you about a book definition of leadership, and far more of bringing out the leader within yourself that already exists.

I highly recommend Jay Parsons and Hayah Consulting to your leaders and potential leaders no matter what your line of business.”

Michael Powers • President & CEO • Garden Savings Federal Credit Union • Parsippany, NJ