iLEAD Coaching

During your iLEAD experience, you’ll discover with clarity exactly who you are, what brings you life, and how to make your greatest contribution organizationally while experiencing your deepest satisfaction personally. This is a powerful and enlightening experience. But as you might imagine, making discoveries like these often creates the need for tweaks, changes, and adjustments to how you work and how you lead, while also opening your eyes to the needs of your team.

This is where our trained coaches come in.

We journey alongside you at consistent intervals as thinking partners, strategic collaborators, sounding boards, and mentors, offering counsel, insight and encouragement as you journey into the life you were designed to live.

Individual Coaching Sessions, Coaching Packages, and Coaching Memberships are available.

A Free Discovery Call is a great way to determine which option is best for you.

Angie Ross • Chief Executive Officer • 31Four Artisan Jewelry

• Cape Canaveral, FL

“Jay possesses the rare ability to draw out deeper truths without ever imposing his own thoughts or ideas.

Whether you are in a season of change or simply looking to grow personally and professionally, I would highly recommend Jay and Hayah Consulting.”