Hayah Consulting LLC

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What My LifePlan Did For Me

One of the easiest things for me to “sell” at HAYAH is a LifePlan, because I was “selling” them years before I was licensed to facilitate them.


Ask any of my friends or colleagues and they’ll tell you.


Immediately upon completing mine in 2017, I started telling everyone I knew – especially those in seasons of transition, discovery, or questioning – that they NEEDED a LifePlan, and as a result, many got LifePlans and began telling everyone they knew how transformative the experience was.


Here’s the weird, crazy, interesting thing about a LifePlan…


YOU are the expert on YOU.

So, YOU bring all the information.

YOU already possess it.

YOU already know it.

Because YOU are the expert on YOU.


But the facilitator has the PROCESS.

The tools, questions, exercises, and practices

designed to discover, reveal, and unearth

the YOU that YOU have either




or never had the privilege of fully meeting.


And the PROCESS has a way of helping

YOU see YOU in a way that YOU really like

in a way that YOU can get excited about,

because when YOU start to understand YOU

YOU are positioned to experience

YOUR greatest satisfaction

while making

YOUR greatest contribution

to the world!


When I walked into my facilitator’s office to do my LifePlan, I was the unquestionable authority on all things Jay. 

  • I knew the history that had shaped me. 

  • I knew the experiences I’d enjoyed and the ones I’d hated. 

  • I knew what caused me pain and what gave me joy. 

  • I knew the people who’d shaped me and the things they’d whispered – intentionally and unintentionally, verbally and nonverbally – in my ears through the years. 

  • I knew my greatest accomplishments and my greatest failures.

  • I knew what I was good at and what I avoided because I wasn’t.

  • I knew what and who I cared about.

  • I knew how I thought and what I thought about.


I could keep listing things

I knew about me,

but you get the idea…




a lot




But I didn’t

really, truly know

where or how

I fit in the world.


I didn’t know

what my unique Life Purpose was…

why God put ME on the planet.


If you’d asked me to explain my values,

I would’ve listed a lot of things

like integrity, authenticity, and all the other buzz words,

but I didn’t have a clear handle on what

the irrefutable, non-negotiable, foundational truths

that dictated how I lived, thought, and related

to the world around me



If you’d asked me to tell you about my talents,

I would’ve told you a bunch of things I’m good at

or how I’d had success in certain arenas,

but I couldn’t articulate

what my unique, life-giving talents are

and how they shape what I do

and what fills me and others with life.


If you’d asked me why I switched jobs so often

and why moving from state to state came so easily to me,

I would’ve probably talked about

how I get bored with things staying the same

or said I needed a new challenge;

but I couldn’t have told you about

how I was constantly tripping the fuse

on my internal wiring

and allowing myself to end up in jobs

that didn’t fit the wavelength

my brain is designed to thrive at.


But the



all that.


The LifePlan revealed what has been true about me my entire adult life.


It uncovered:


My Life-Giving Talents

My Heart

My Thinking Wavelengths

My Internal Wiring

My Core Values

My Replenishment Cycle

My Life Purpose


And from there, it helped me identify:


My Life Vision

My Life Strategy

 My Vital Signs

(the things I need to invest in to stay or get healthy)

My Areas of Risk

(the things, thoughts, and people that can derail me)

My Life Initiatives

(the next right step in each area of my life)


And seeing myself with this level of clarity allowed me to live a healthier, more satisfying life that expanded my contribution and increased my impact.



I was able to unpack these things with my boss, and that led to me moving into a new role within the organization…a role I loved and thrived in.  And I’m confident the reason I thrived in that new role was because (now that I knew who I was) I was able to serve differently, lead differently, assemble my team differently, and so on.  I knew when and where to assert myself and when and where to back off and allow someone else to step in with their unique, life-giving talents.



My wife (who has also done a LifePlan) and I were able to establish healthy rhythms of rest and replenishment.  We were able to use the various filters the LifePlan process taught us to make decisions that helped us stay true to who we are and consequently increased our joy, satisfaction, and passion.  We were able to understand what makes us tick individually and as a couple, which enhanced virtually every area of our relationship and communication.



The discovery of my Core Values, my Life-Giving Talents, and my Heart combined with clarity around how they’re best integrated in my life showed me where and how to make my greatest contribution.  It helped me serve the causes I care about with greater enthusiasm and freed me from the self-induced guilt of not helping everyone everywhere.



I now knew what filled me up and brought me life, and I learned it was okay to be selfish in these areas so I had the energy to be selfless in all the others.  I felt complete and whole.  I felt calmer and more at peace.  I had less need to strive, accomplish, and achieve.  I felt like I was finally able to be the person God uniquely wired and designed me to be. 


And knowing and experiencing all these things not only allowed us to enjoy a really great season in our life…











When we were faced with one of life’s toughest decisions at the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020, it was my LifePlan that gave us the clarity, the guardrails, the filters, and the confidence to step out of something that we loved, but had grown beyond, and into something that aligns perfectly with my Life Purpose and Core Values while maximizing my Life-Giving Talents and Heart for humanity.


I will never

– even if I stop facilitating LifePlans –

stop “selling” LifePlans. 


The impact

on my wife and me

has been too profound

too transformative

too good

to stop sharing it

with the world.


So, I’d love to help YOU

discover the YOU

that YOU’ve




or never had the privilege of fully meeting.


I’d love to walk beside YOU


And facilitate YOUR LifePlan.


And then watch YOU


Fully live YOUR Life Purpose.


For more information

about LifePlans,

visit my website

or schedule a

Free Discovery Call.