What Is A LifePlan?

There are a lot of different ways I get to help individuals and organizations

D I S C O V E R   A N D   T A K E   T H E   N E X T   R I G H T   S T E P

in my work at Hayah Consulting.


But the thing I get to do most often,

and, consequently,

the thing I post about most often

is a  

L I F E P L A N .


So, it’s not surprising that the question

I get asked most often is

W H A T   I S   A   L I F E P L A N ?


So, in this week’s blog,

I’m going to answer

4 Big Questions









What is a LifePlan?

Specifically, what I am licensed and trained in is called the Paterson LifePlan Process. 


So, before diving too deep into a what a LifePlan is, I want to tell you a little about the man who designed it –   T O M   P A T E R S O N .

  • Tom is the man who came up with the idea for and patented ATM PIN technology.

  • In 1967, Tom was hired by the Disney brothers to design and build Space Mountain.

  • In 1981, Tom was commissioned by the Reagan Administration to open up the Chinese economy to foreign trade.


Tom was a remarkable man who for much of his career did StratOps (Strategic Operations Planning) with Fortune 500 companies, but tragedy in his personal life and a trip to China changed both his approach to life and his work in the world.


If you choose to do a LifePlan with Hayah, I’ll elaborate on that, but for now, I’ll fast-forward a bit to a meeting Tom was having with the CEO of a major international corporation at the end of their StratOps.


The CEO looked at Tom and said something along the lines of:


I   L O V E   W H A T

Y O U ‘ V E   D O N E

F O R   M Y   C O M P A N Y .


H A V E   Y O U   E V E R

T H O U G H T   O F   D O I N G

S O M E T H I N G   L I K E   T H I S

F O R   I N D I V I D U A L S ?


And, in that moment, the idea for the LifePlan was born, and in the weeks and months that followed, Tom began developing a strategic approach to examining an individual life to reveal who that person truly is, why specifically they have been placed on planet earth, and what they need to do about it.


So, at a very high level,

Hayah’s LifePlan experience is:


A 2-day, facilitator-guided, immersive look

at each sphere and domain of your life. 


Using proven tools and exercises,

we lead you to clarity about:


W H O   Y O U   A R E

H O W   Y O U ’ R E   W I R E D

W H A T   B R I N G S   Y O U   L I F E .


From there, we guide you through a process

aimed at identifying your preferred future

and creating a road map to get you there.


To learn more about

LifePlans or to begin

the process of doing one,

click here to schedule

A Free Discovery Call.



One of Tom’s big takeaways from his time in China was the difference between a Western approach to problem solving and an Eastern approach. 


In the West, speed, efficiency, and (sometimes) brute force are prized.  Problems are tackled head on, resulting in quick fixes and easy “solutions,” but in the long run those “fixes” are often no more than Band Aids….one-dimensional answers to multi-dimensional problems.


In the East, there’s generally a more methodical approach.  Problems are patiently circled over and over again in search of perspective, nuance, and subtlety.  And this circling turns into a spiral as it draws nearer and nearer to the center with each trip around the situation.  As a result, the process moves much more slowly, but yields multi-dimensional answers that allow for long term solutions.


So, I often tell my clients that in the course of a LifePlan




will often

feel like we’re

circling and ascending

a mountain as we take trip

after trip around their life gaining

perspective, gathering truth, and discovering

nuance with each successive tool, exercise, or turn. 

And for much of the first day, maybe even a day and a

half, they’ll find themselves wondering what we’re doing

and if we’re actually making headway.  In fact, it will almost feel

like they’re surrounded by clouds, and mist, and fog…unable to see

clearly where they are or where they’re heading.  But there comes a moment

on Day 2 when we emerge from the clouds and they catch a glimpse of the horizon

– the future.  And now, because of all the trips around the mountain of their life, it becomes

clear and obvious who they are, why they’re here, what they need to do, and how they need to do it.





or less

how a




To learn more about

LifePlans or to begin

the process of doing one,

click here to schedule

A Free Discovery Call.




I’ll cover this in much greater detail in next week’s blog – “What My LifePlan Did For Me,” and I give it a fair amount of attention in the LifePlan section of my website; so, for now, I’ll simply list 6 things:

  1. A LifePlan will help you gain insight into who you are and who you’re designed to be.

  2. A LifePlan will help you discover your Life-Giving Talents.

  3. A LifePLan will help you identify your sweet spot.

  4. A LifePlan will help you achieve balance.

  5. A LifePlan will help you prioritize and focus.

  6. A LifePlan will help you step into your preferred future.


To learn more about

LifePlans or to begin

the process of doing one,

click here to schedule

A Free Discovery Call.



There are some simple categories that describe the average person who gets a LifePlan.


  • They are generally asking the big,  E X I S T E N T I A L  questions like…


“Why do I exist?

“What am I here for?”

“What’s my purpose?”

“Is this all there is to life?”


  • Or they are  T H I N K I N G  to themselves…


“I want my life to count for something.”

“I want to do all I can do to be all I’m designed to be.”

“I want my kids to have someone worth looking up to.”

“I want to make a difference in the world.”

“I want to be more and better.”



  • Or they’re in or approaching a season of  T R A N S I T I O N .


They’re sensing a need to change jobs or careers.

They have recently been divorced.

Their kids are getting ready to move out.

They have just lost someone important to them.

Their faith community has let them down.

They have just been laid off or fired.


  • Or they are part of a  T E A M  that wants to know how to thrive together.


The Leadership Team of a Business

The Board of a Nonprofit

The Coaching Staff of a Sports Franchise

The Lead Team of a Church


A LifePlan is great for anyone

who wants to discover their  

S W E E T   S P O T  –

that place where their greatest contribution to the world

and their greatest satisfaction in life align. 


Individuals, couples, or teams –

it’s all about discovering

how to make the greatest impact

while experiencing

the most joy and thirst for life.


My guess is a LifePlan would be a great next step for you.


To learn more about

LifePlans or to begin

the process of doing one,

click here to schedule

A Free Discovery Call.


What My LifePlan Did For Me


What’s Next?