Live Like Someone Left The Gate Open

Early in our marriage, my wife and I lived in Upstate NY, and our home sat at the base of a beautiful rolling hill.  Our actual lot was small to moderate in size, but it backed up to acres and acres of what was once a large dairy farm with several hundred head of cattle.


By the time we moved in, the dairy farm and all its smells were long gone, and we were left with a wonderfully bucolic view of tall green grass, wistful wildflowers, and large, leafy trees for as far as the eye could see…and to complete the scene, a small babbling brook followed the tree line all the way down the hill until it took a gentle turn to the right immediately behind our home.


That was what we saw when we looked out our back windows.


What we saw when we looked out our front windows was drastically different.


There we saw a fairly busy 2-lane highway, a very large parking lot, and a medium-sized church painted the ugliest shade of red you can imagine.  And because the church was active, busy, and (to their credit) growing, the parking lot was constantly filled with cars, and when those cars would leave the church, half of them would have a direct sightline into our backyard.


So, one of the first things we did upon moving in was put up a 6-foot tall, privacy fence.  But because we didn’t want to lose out on the incredible view of that amazing hill, we only put the privacy fence on three sides.  In the back, was a 3-foot tall, chicken-wire fence attached to 4x4 posts every 8 feet.


That way when the weather was nice we could sit at the picnic table in our backyard eating dinner while watching deer bound across the open field and listening to wild turkeys gobble. 


It was idyllic.


More on that in a minute.


During that same season of life,

we had a small dog

aptly named Tiny.


Tiny was a very sweet dog

who brought lots and lots of joy

to our lives,

but if I’m being honest,

I’d have to admit

that she was not

the smartest dog

on the planet.


We would often take her for long, off-leash walks through the countryside.  And even though she was free to run and play and explore, Tiny would always stay right beside us, never getting too far ahead or too far behind.  And when we would near the highway or some other place where her safety might be in question, we would say to our off-leash dog who was currently propelling herself forward by putting one paw in front of the other…


“Wanna go for a walk?”


And she would excitedly

and enthusiastically

with tail wagging

and tongue hanging out

stand still

while we clicked her leash

to her collar.


See what I mean

about her not being

super smart?


She was already on a walk…

arguably a far better kind of walk…

the kind of walk where she could go anywhere she wanted

completely unencumbered by a leash…










Now back to our little backyard and its picturesque view.


That’s where Tiny spent most of her days.


In our backyard.

Staring through chicken wire.

Able to see a bigger world.

But totally fenced in.


Until one day…


One day…


Someone came

to drop something

off at the house,

but we weren’t

going to be home

so, I told them to

open the gate

and leave it in the




they did just that,

but when they left,

they forgot to close

the latch on the gate.




The next morning we did what we always did:

We let Tiny out to potty and play in the backyard.

And then, for whatever reason, a few minutes later

We looked out our dining room window

And instead of seeing Tiny laying in the grass

Staring at the pastureland

Gazing into the big world beyond the fence


We saw her blazing a trail through the tall grass

Bounding across the pastureland

Zigging this way…

Zagging that way…

And carelessly throwing herself

into piles of deer droppings

and rolling around on her back

with her feet in the air

until she was completely covered

and smelling

au naturale!


For the first time ever,

She was truly and fully

Experiencing the big world

Beyond the fence!







Needing to get to work

I headed out into the field

And tried what had always

Worked before.


I called out to her,

“Wanna go for a walk?”


But instead of coming to me

And letting me attach her leash

And walk her back inside the fence


She ran


at me



past me.


This was a game for her now.

She was having fun.

She was fully alive.

She was being the dog she was designed to be!


And now, the only way for me to get her to come to me

Was for me to go to her…

The only way she’d entertain the thought of doing what I wanted

Was if I first entertained her by doing what she wanted.


So, there I was

Dressed for work

Running around like a crazy man

Chasing my dog up the hill

And back down the hill.

Until eventually she let me catch her

And carry her back to the house

Where she heard the click of the gate

Being latched behind us

Fencing her in once again.


But she had experienced life.

She now knew what it meant be wide open and free.

She would never be able to settle for a sedentary, less-than life again.


So, by the time we got home from work that day.

She had already dug a tunnel

Under the gate.


And for the next several weeks

we played a new game

where I would refill

the dirt each day

and she

would wait

for me to leave

and then dig her way

back out to freedom and a

world filled with wonder and awe.


I eventually outsmarted her and found a way to keep her inside the fence.  But I had seen her experience more life than ever before; so occasionally…just for kicks…I’d “accidentally” leave the gate open and then watch out the back window from the dining room table as she snuck out the gate into her best life!


I also learned a valuable lesson personally during that season.


I learned that I needed to start living like someone left the gate open.


I realized my life wasn’t small.  I was just living it in a small way.


I realized I could live a safe, cooped up, fenced in life.




I could live the

wide open,




more impactful,

more influential life

I was wired and designed to live.


And it was obvious to me then

And undeniable to me now

That living the life you were meant to live

Is the quickest, surest way to experience



And joy.


But don’t take my word for it.


Try it for yourself.




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